Charitable Trust

Board of Trustees
The Governance team is made up of trustees that have been endorsed by the Rangitāne iwi members at regular elections and bring a range of skills, and knowledge to their trustee roles.

A little more about us

Taylor Mihaere
Taylor Tohunui Oterangi Mihaere ahau
Ko Taylor Samuel Mihaere toku Papa,
Ko Lassie Rahikoia Aroha Mehikore Mihaere (Rangihuna) toku Mama,
Ko Rangiwhakaewa te tāngata
Ko Makirikiri toku marae
Ko Rangitane toko iwi.
Taylor served in the NZ Army for 21 years specialising in infantry operations and the provision of training and education, retiring at the rank of Staff Sergeant, leaving in 1997.
He worked within the construction industry from 1998 until 2008 when he downsized his construction company, Taylor then completed a four year stint at Te Wananga o Aotearoa as the National Education Advisor Trade Training from 2002-2005.
Currently Taylor is employed as the Senior Evaluator Operations Team Development for the New Zealand Defence Force.
Taylor operated Taylor Made Construction Services as a carpentry apprentice tutor and as a provider of light construction and renovation services.
He currently operates two companies encompassing dairy farming and residential properties.
In these various roles he has been exposed to, and have worked with, a multitude of government departments, local council bodies, regulatory agencies, and tertiary education providers.
Taylor holds some certificates in Adult Education, Business, Farming, and Carpentry but have a few years of life experience behind him to offer.
His last volunteer role was as a trustee with the Rangitane Tu Mai Ra Trust.

Mavis Mullins
Ko Ruahine te maunga
Ko Manawatu te awa
Ko Rangiwhakaewa te tangata
Ko Ngati Pakapaka te hapu
Ko Kaitoki te marae
Ko Rangitane te iwi
Their mauriora
Our very own Mavis Mullins was named Business Woman of the Year in 2017 and then Business Leader of the Year 2019 at the University of Auckland Māori Business Leaders Awards. She was inducted into the NZ Business Hall of Fame that same year.
Mavis has attained numerous roles and awards in the past two decades, highlighted by an MNZM for services to the wool industry in the Queen’s Birthday Honours of 2002.
Born and raised locally, Mavis has many notable achievements in her career, not only through the primary sector where she is well known and respected but also on the international business stage. She holds an MBA through Massey University. Mavis has deep experience in governance with current directorship roles including UNICEF Aotearoa, Moana Fisheries Ltd, Environmental Protection Agency, Hawkes Bay Rugby Union and Rangitane o Tamaki nui a Rua which she chairs. Past directorships include Massey University, Landcorp Farming, 2 degrees mobile and Poutama Trust to name a few.
Amongst this high profile, very busy and demanding life, Mavis and Koro have raised four wonderful children and are grandparents to 17 mokopuna, all whilst maintaining an active role farming on their tupuna whenua.
He tino whakahīhī mātou i a koe mo ou whiwhinga nui.

Lorraine Stephenson

Lisa Kenny
Ko Kurahaupo te Waka
Ko Ruahine te Maunga
Ko Manawatū te awa
Ko Ngāti Pakapaka te Hapū
Ko Kaitoki te marae
Ko Nikora te ingoa whānau i te taha o tōku Māmā
Ko Lisa Kenny ahau
Born and raised in Pahiatua, Lisa has always had a strong connection to the Tararua Community. She attended Pahiatua Primary School followed by Tararua College, where the foundation for a diverse and accomplished career was laid.
With a passion for education and personal growth, Lisa pursued double degrees, earning a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Māori Studies and a Bachelor of Physical Education. This academic journey was further enriched by a Master of Professional Accounting, showcasing their commitment to understanding both cultural and financial landscapes. Currently, they are completing a Master of International Security, highlighting a keen interest in global affairs and the complexities of security in today's world.
Professionally, Lisa has so far dedicated nine years to the Army as a General List Medical Officer, where she honed her leadership and health administrative skills in high-pressure environments. She is currently making significant contributions as a Senior Advisor Māori, utilizing her background and expertise to support Māori initiatives and communities. Prior to her military service, Lisa worked both overseas and locally in Pahiatua as an accountant, blending their financial acumen with their dedication to service.
Family is a cornerstone of Lisa's life. She is a proud parent to one daughter, Kaia, and they share their home with two beloved furry whānau members. When not working, Lisa enjoys engaging in various sports and physical activities, spending quality time with her wider family, traveling to new places, and continuously pursuing education to expand her horizons.
With a rich tapestry of experiences, Lisa embodies a commitment to community, education, and personal development, inspiring those around her through a multifaceted career and life journey.

Carol Paewai

Aaron Karena
E mihi nei ki ngā karangamaha o te motu.
Kei ēnei ngā hononga o te iti nei ki ngā Iwi,
ki ngā whenua o tatou,
Ko Rangitāne, rātou ko Ngāti Kahungunu, ko Ngāti Pāhauwera, ko Taranaki, ko Ngāruahine,
ko Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, ko Kai Tahu.
I tipu ake au i raro o ngā rae Maunga o Ruahine
i te taha o te awa pokere o Tamakuku,
Ko Te Rangiwhakaewa te tāngata,
Ko Ngāti Pakapaka te Hapū,
Ko Kaitoki te Marae,
Ko Aaron Karena tōku ingoa
Tihei Mauriora!
Kia ora whānau
I am the son of Christine and Riki Karena, Grandson of Tai & Kuini Hoera and Te Ariki and Wyn Karena.
My whakapapa to Rangitāne comes from both sides under Hirai Te Rangiwhakaewa and Hoera Te Rangiwhakaewa.
Ngāti Pakapaka is my Hapū and my whānau still reside out at Kaitoki. Together with my wahine Emily, we have two boys Braxton and Kupa who we are lucky enough to be bringing up at home amongst our whānau in Tamaki nui-ā-Rua, out at our Marae, and at our Kōhanga Reo.
I am a Trustee of Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua Charitable Trust and Director/Chair of Te Tahua o Rangitāne Ltd. Having served in various roles including; treasurer of multiple Community Organisations including Kaitoki Marae, Sports teams/clubs, Kōhanga Reo, and as advisor to Community Groups over the past 15 years; I have developed a robust understanding of governance and the importance of cultural integrity. I am not here to keep the seat warm and although accountable to Rangitāne whānau, I am accountable to myself and my own standards and values. I take pride in my contribution to our Rūnanga and am passionate about fostering an environment of collaboration, transparency, growth, and empowerment within our iwi.
I am a Chartered Accountant and head up AllanMcNeill Chartered Accountants team in Dannevirke. I am also a Director of Tū Mai Rā Investments Ltd, the Commercial arm of our PSGE Tū Mai Rā Trust. I have a passion for business and Māori Enterprise and the involvement with our Iwi is a way for me to share my financial skills.
Annual General Meeting
He tino mihi ano ki a koe. Ko te mea nunui ki a au he pai tou noho kei waenganui i te Runanga nei a Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua.
Na te huruhuru ka rere te manu.
With feathers the bird can fly.
With your help, Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua. will strive to support whānau to achieve their dreams and aspirations which includes the development and growth of our unique cultural heritage as tangata whenua.
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10 Gordon Street
Dannevirke 4930
New Zealand | Aotearoa

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Dannevirke 4942
New Zealand | Aotearoa